Fanatele Soporului meadow-steppe habitat

This nice area of meadow-steppe grassland placed immediately south-east of Cluj-Napoca city 

is nowadays completely destroyed

In the 80's and 90's of the XXth century we used to enjoy the nice warm spring and summer days here because of the plant richness of this situated not far away from Cluj city. Unfortunately beginning with the first decade of the XXIst century the hayfield here was completely converted into a cattle pasture. The nice landscape and smell of the hayfield was replaced by a sorrow hard stink and the place of the nice multcolor cover of flowers is now the land of ruderal weeds anddisturbing nasty biting flies.

We suspect that this former hayfield was once also grazed for some time because we remarked that the place of Brachypodium pinnatum was taken in most of the area by Bromus erectus a phenomenon characteristic for the hayfields grazed and then turned again into hayfields.

However vefore of its conversion in the actual pasture here there are quite nice populations of Centaurea triumfettii ssp. axillaris, Clematis integrifolia, Clematis recta and in the southern part of the meadows also the rare species Thlaspi kovatsii.

A file with the location of the site on Google Earth can be downloaded here.


















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